Death Gate Walkthrough

12 January 1995

Copyright © 1995 Balmoral Software ( All rights reserved. Republication, redistribution or conversion is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Balmoral Software. Contents subject to change! For the latest information, see

Table of Contents


Take left glowlamp [5 points]
Exhaust dialog with Xar to get Identify and Rune Transfer spells (already know Heat and Cold spells) and Arianus stone marker
Go to dragon ship
Cast Rune Transfer on the marker
Transfer the marker onto the steering stone [10 points]
Use the steering stone

Arianus (Air)

Go to the zinger control panel room
Take the white shirt
Take the elbow pipe [5 points]
Take the marmalade
Take the bread slice
Put the marmalade on the bread slice
Put the marmalade on the bread slice
Put the marmalade on the bread slice
Go to the Broom Closet
Give the bread slice to Limbeck
Take the parchment
Take the cork
Put the white shirt in the ink jug [5 points]
Go to the sensor room
Cast Heat on the sensor [10 points]
Proceed north to elf ship
Go down
Talk completely to the Duke, get ring and King Stephen's castle location [5 points]
Go up
Take the wine jug
Return to the dragon ship
Use the steering wheel
Go to King Stephen's castle
Give the ring to the guards [5 points]
Go to the side of the castle
Take the shear
Lift the bar with the shear [5 points]
Open the shutter, learn Create Reality Pocket spell
Enter the window
Take the candle holder
Take the book (Tower of the Brotherhood)
Cast Create Reality Pocket on the tapestry [10 points]
Enter the tapestry
Give the wine jug to the wizard [5 points]
Talk to the wizard to learn Create Shroud of Darkness and Swap spells [10 points]
Return to upper level of elf ship in Drevlin
Cast Create Shroud of Darkness on the black shirt [5 points]
Put the black shirt on the figurines [15 points]
Go down and into storeroom [5 points]
Open the box
Take the zinger
Activate the zinger [10 points]
Enter Skurvash
WAIT for doll to enter alley
Enter alley
Cast Swap on the street rat [20 points]
Pull the net
Enter the tunnel
Take the prybar [5 points]
Talk to the street rat
Return to storeroom on ship
Break the lock with the prybar [10 points]
Open the strongbox
Take the T pipe and sack of gems
Go to The Devil's Workshop (tavern)
Give the jewel sack to the bartender [10 points]
Return to the Rat Lair
Talk to the street rat
Leave the Rat Lair, wait and return to get lockpick and papers
Go to the merchant's house
Put the lockpick in the lock
Find 3 verbs on the lockpick, remember 3-sound sequence [10 points]
Take the poetry book (contains clues for clock puzzle)
Look at the clock
Click triangle opposite Mistymorne
Click triangle opposite Winetime
Click triangle opposite Toiltime [15 points]
Take the journal
Cast Create Reality Pocket on the portrait
Enter the portrait
Ask about filling time
Admit only to being a messenger from his wife-to-be
Wife wants amulet
Bedtime story: The Bouncing Beans
Stepping stones: 5
Whisper: How much? [15 points]
Return to the tavern
Give the amulet to Hugh [10 points]
Push the table
Get on the table
Note continent name:
	Continent	Keyword

	Sharthea	BUY
	Hesthea		THEIR
	Shegra		TIME
	Uylandia	TO
	Aristagon	DIE
Put the lockpick in the lock
Generate the same 3-sound sequence as for the merchant's house [20 points]
Enter Crystal Room
Look at doll to learn Motion spell
Cast Motion on the statue [10 points]
Take the necklace
Go to Hand Hall and use keyword from first letters of hands [25 points]:

	Marble                 Iron           Topaz

	          Bloodstone           Opal

	Emerald                Umber          Hyacinth

	          Diamond              Yew
Go thru the door
Put the necklace on the pedestal [10 points]
Take the book of Pryan [5 points]
Take the handbook [5 points]
Take the crystal globe [5 points]
Take the necklace [15 points]
Exit the Tower, return to Drevlin
Go to Broom Closet
Give the candle holder to Limbeck [5 points]
Go to old dwarf with pipes
Take the elbow pipe (from the box)
Talk to the old dwarf and get his elbow pipe [5 points]
Fix the broken pipe with the elbow pipe
Use arrow keys to rotate parts as necessary [20 points]:

Pipe Arrangement

Put the cork in the fixed pipe [10 points]
Turn the valve
Show the parchment to the old dwarf and get the iron ore [10 points]
Go to the Kicksey-Winsey room
Open the compartment
Put the iron ore in the compartment [10 points]
Go to the Statue Room (coffins)
Put the crystal globe on the statue [25 points]
Take the Air Seal Piece [25 points]
Return to the Nexus via the dragon ship
Give the Air Seal Piece to Xar
Go to the dragon ship
Cast Rune Transfer on the book of Pryan
Transfer the Pryan onto the steering stone [10 points]
Use the steering stone

Pryan (Fire)

Take the pink plant
Go to the Grove
Take the shell [5 points]
Take the dragon ship to the Tree City (use the steering wheel)
Go to the Clearing
Take the clothes line
Open the door
Give the doll to the elf child [5 points]
Exit kitchen
Give the clothes line to the elf prince [10 points]
Talk to the elf prince
WAIT for a hot ember to leap from the fire
Take the ember with the shell [5 points]
Wait for Zifnab to appear, learn Transportation spell
Cast Transportation on the white disk [10 points]
Take the black disk [10 points]
Tie the clothes line to the branch [10 points]
Go down
Take the blue flowers
Take the yellow flowers
Go south
Go to the ledge
Throw the black disk into the Maw [10 points]
Go to the Campsite
Cast Transportation on the white disk
Push the corpse
Take the arrow [5 points]
Take the toadstools [5 points]
Crush the yellow flowers [5 points]
Throw the marmalade at the spider [10 points]
Put the shell with ember on the hive
Cut the pod with the shear [10 points]
Cast Transportation on the black disk
Give the gold staff to the elf prince [10 points]
Give the poetry book to the elf prince [5 points]
Give the blue flowers to the elf prince [5 points]
Talk to the human princess, ask to accompany
Return to the dragon ship and fly to the Citadel
Go to the Grove
Take the nut [5 points]
Put the yellow petals in the nut
Give the nut to the animal [10 points]
Take the nut meat
Go to forest edge
Give the book of Pryan to the human princess (play now) [10 points]
Enter forest
Cut the vines with the shear [10 points]
Complete dialog with dwarf girl
Give the herbs to the human princess [5 points]
Give the nut meat to the human princess [5 points]
Give the toadstools to the human princess [5 points]
Give the pink plant to the human princess [10 points]
Talk to the human princess, ask to play tune from book
Continue north into forest
Talk to the elf prince, ask to get crystal [10 points]
Leave forest
Pull the branch
Put the crystal fragment in the stump [10 points]
Go to the Citadel
Wait, get stone from Zifnab [25 points]
Take the Fire Seal Piece [25 points]
Return to the Nexus
Give the Fire Seal Piece to Xar
Return to the dragon ship
Cast Rune Transfer on the crystal fragment
Transfer the fragment onto the stone [10 points]
Use the steering stone

Abarrach (Stone)

Take the pail
Enter the cave
Take the rocks [5 points]
Put the rocks in the pail
Go to the house
Go up
Take the tea set
Go down
Give the tea set to the dead butler [10 points]
Talk to butler to find out tea is served at the fourth hour
Go to the clock tower
Climb the rope
Turn the crank
Put the pail with rocks on the hook
Turn the time dial to just before the fourth mark
Wait for the clock to chime
Pull the release lever
Go down
Enter the house
Enter the study [20 points]
Wait for butler to disappear
Take the book
Read the book to learn Possession and Ward spells [10 points]
Take the dragon ship to Kleitus' Palace
Talk to Kleitus XIV and learn Hunger spell [10 points]
Put the steak on the Dungeon [5 points]
Cast Hunger on the dog [5 points]
Cast Possession on the dog [10 points]
Exit cell and go up
Take the second bottle from the left
Return to cell
Give the bottle to Haplo
Take the key ring
Give the key ring to Haplo
Touch Haplo
Take the clear bottle
Drink from the clear bottle [10 points]
Take the key ring
Unlock the manacles with the key ring [5 points]
Give the clear bottle to Edmund [10 points]
Give the key ring to Edmund [5 points]
Take the vise [5 points]
Talk to Edmund, ask to accompany
Take the dragon ship to Secret Cave [15 points]
Enter cave
Talk to gamblers, get 4 rune bones
Talk to Balthazar (don't say you are from Labyrinth)
Cast Possession on the dog [5 points]
Touch Haplo
Talk to Balthazar, learn Unravel Illusion spell [15 points]
Enter hidden tunnel
Take the spell book
Read spell book, learn Resurrection spell
Take the robe, learn Self-Immolation spell [10 points]
Exit cave
Take the dragon ship to Telestia
Go to the top of the clock tower
Tighten the vise
Put the vise in the scepter
Loosen the vise [10 points]
Take the headpiece
Go to nursery in house
Take the children's book
Read the children's book, leave open to Get That Snake rhyme
Talk to the dead nanny, ask to accompany
Go to Field outside cave
Talk to the dead worker, ask to accompany
Enter cave
Talk to the dead worker, ask to grab that snake
Give the children's book to the dead nanny [20 points]
Go to the dwarf wall
Turn each of 4 corners once
Turn each of 4 sides twice
Turn center once (all arrows right become all arrows down)
Wear the robe [10 points]
Talk to the dead dwarf, ask to come with me [10 points]
Use dragon ship to return to cave below Kleitus' Palace
Start north to catacombs [10 points]
Take the cloth
Open the door
Show the cloth to the dog [15 points]
Follow dog through catacombs [10 points]
Cast Unravel Illusion on the spire rune [10 points]
Put the headpiece in the hole [25 points]
Take the Stone Seal Piece [25 points]
Return to the Nexus
Give the Stone Seal Piece to Xar
Return to the dragon ship
Cast Rune Transfer on the pendant
Transfer the pendant onto the stone [10 points]
Use the steering stone

Chelestra (Water)

Put the water in the clear bottle
Go to the city gate
Cast Rune Transfer on the second rune bone from the left
Transfer the rune bone onto the city gate [20 points]
Cast Possession on the dog [25 points]
Enter city
Exhaust dialog with Samah, learn Null Water spell [20 points]
Push the globe
Cast Create Reality Pocket on the rug
Take the rug
Cast Null Water on the clear bottle [10 points]
Go to the beach
Drink from the clear bottle
Enter the cave
Take the scales
Return to the city gate
Put the scales on the rock pile
Take the stone [15 points]
Enter the dragon ship
Put the rug on Samah's ship
Wait for restoration of magic
Cast Create Reality Pocket on the rug
Enter the rug
Push the globe [20 points]
Go thru the portal
Cast Rune Transfer on the pendant
Transfer the pendant onto the globe [10 points]
Use the globe
Go to Xar's Room
Take the history book
Go to open Labyrinth gate


Climb the stairs
Throw the zinger at the choke vines [10 points]
Cast Cold on the choke vines [10 points]
Cross vines to tiger-men campsite
Return to choke vine area by Labyrinth gate
Cast Heat on the choke vines [15 points]
Cast Cold on the choke vines
Take the zinger
Enter the burial cave
Take the bone
Exit the cave
Take the skull
Put the skull on the zinger
Put the robe on the zinger
Go northwest to village
Activate the zinger [20 points]
Apply the salve to the tracker [10 points]
Take the cord
Put the cord on the bone
Talk to the tracker, go north
Shoot the arrow at the chaodin [10 points]
Drink from the clear bottle
Enter the cave [10 points]
Crush the stone [20 points]
Talk to Zifnab, go to Vortex


Use Magic on the double: mirror image of Self-Immolation spell (using runes individually), counterclockwise starting at the bottom [25 points]
Search the ashy remains
Put the shear on the shear
Attempt to pass through tentacles
Cut the tentacle with the shears [10 points]
Cut the tentacle with the shears
Cut the tentacle with the shears [10 points]
Go to the floating island [20 points]
Put the Water Seal Piece in the water spire [20 points]
Put the Stone Seal Piece in the earth spire [20 points]
Put the Air Seal Piece in the air spire [20 points]
Move the focus
Move focus two hexagons to the left (to Orseph) and click mouse
Put the Nexus Seal Piece in the focus [160 points]

Distribution of Points

	Nexus			  15		  1 %
	Arianus			 405		 27 %
	Pryan			 260		 17 %
	Abarrach		 310		 21 %
	Chelestra		 120		  8 %
	Labyrinth		 105		  7 %
	Vortex			 285		 19 %

	Total			1500		100 %


Table of Contents


Copyright © 1995 Balmoral Software ( All rights reserved. Republication, redistribution or conversion is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Balmoral Software. Contents subject to change! For the latest information, see